Saturday, April 5, 2008

Spent the last 2 days in the hospital!

For those who don't know, we spent the last 2 days in the hospital.. NOT FUN!!!!

I went in on Thursday to have a scheduled NST (stress test on the babies) and they discovered that I was having contractions. Now it is normal to have contractions called Braxton Hicks and with twins they are more prevalent but mine were coming too close together. They gave me IV fluids for dehydration, did a culture to test if you will go into labor in the next 2 weeks (sorry if that's TMI) and checked to make sure my cervix was closed. All tests came back negative and cervix was closed. So I thought, I'm going home. Well no not so fast.
Doc decided at like 9pm that I was staying overnight since some of the contractions were like 6 minutes apart. EXCUSE ME???

So waking up Friday morning in the hospital was yucky, got no sleep but thought no big deal, I'm going home. Well.... no contractions came back and they were very erratic. Sometimes 5 minutes, sometimes 20 minutes and so on and so on. So they were saying that I was gonna have to stay again!!! I DON'T THINK SO!!! The geniuses finally decided to do an ultrasound to check the length of my cervix and it was completely normal.. NO why it took 2 days to check that is beyond me and very frustrating at the same time! So final diagnosis was Braxton Hicks since my cervix was not changing and I was not having any other pre-term labor symptoms. DUH!!!!!!!! I could have told you that 2 days ago.... GRRRRRRR!!!

I get to have my Baby Shower today as planned! YAY! Thought we were gonna have to cancel that. But I get to go back to Hospital tonight to have my second round of steroid shots to help the boys lung's just in case this happens again and I end up having deliver them pre-term. Which no-one wants!!!! Especially me :)

Thanks for all the prayers and well wishes from family and friends!!

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