Saturday, December 15, 2007

13 weeks and feeling worse?? Wait a minute.

OK, so I have been told for the last 12 weeks that I would start feeling better in the days to come. Well let me just say - thats not the case. I have not had any vomiting at all- UNTIL NOW!!! What the heck? Apparently having a personal pitty party and boo-hooing to the husband doesnt do much for the tummy. Maybe it was the little peanut having her last hurrah. Mabye she was saying "ya know mom, you have had it kinda easy in the first trimester so to mark the end of it, Im gonna stir up your belly and celebrate!!" Well whatever it was- it sucks!!!

Oh, and it looks like they accepted our 2nd offer on the house with a few stipulations. We will know more on Monday but its looking good!!!

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