First I have to say Happy 1st Birthday to Kendal! We went to her birthday party last Saturday and it was a great time! Kendal's mom went above and beyond to make her party special and we were so glad to be a part of it!
Sunday I dropped Daryl off at the airport and picked up Jen at the same time! Very convenient for me:) Then Jen, the boys and myself headed out to the Winter Park art festival! It was a beautiful day and we had a great time. We sat outside and ate lunch at the Briarpatch and the boys did pretty well.
Then on Tuesday we headed over to Melbourne Beach to see our great friend Shelley who lives over that way. Shelley, Jen and I were all in Delta Flight Attendant training together and have managed to stay very close over the years. It was to boys first time at the beach and it was priceless! Cameron loved the sand and loved crawling around and playing in it. Carter...not so much! Cried anytime you would put him down. It was not the most ideal conditions at the beach that day. They had 30 mile per hour winds and a lot of man of war had washed up on the beach. The seas were really rough, although not that I would get in the water anyways! It was great for us ladies who just wanted to relax on the beach but not for babies who fell asleep within 20minutes of being there. It was too windy to put them down on the blankets, they would get covered in sand! OYEVEY!
I did manage to get some amazing pictures all of which I have to still convert to smaller files and do some editing to. I don't have it in me tonight to do that but hopefully by this weekend I will have a chance:) I also did a mini photo shoot with Shelley and her youngest on the beach! Got to keep practicing!
The rest of the week we ran errands, shopped, ate great food and just hung out. I am literally pooped! I don't think I have slept more than 5 hours each night so needless to say, Daryl is scheduled to arrive home around 10pm tonight and he is without a doubt....on FULL TIME DADDY DUTY for the entire weekend!!!!!
OH and to make this post even longer...the boys are 11 months! In less than 4 weeks they will be ONE! AAAGHGHH!! They continue to amaze me everyday! Cameron's newest thing is playing in the mirror! He cracks himself up. I need to get it on video one of these days. Carter has become a bit of a wimp...haha! Very clingy to me and not trusting of new people or situations! Apparently Daryl was exactly the same way when he was a baby! FIGURES!!!
Here is a sneak peek of the pics from the beach....In my opinion the pic of Cam is freaking awesome!!

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