We headed out to the Winter Park St. Patricks Day parade today and yes I know that St. paddy's day is over a week away but for some reason the city does this. It was a lot of fun and we met up with our friends Alyssa and Shari, both who are flight attendants for Delta. They had the usual fire engine and police cars...boys hated those, the bagpipers...boys hated those, classic cars who's horn did that Awuugga kind of horn....boys hated those too! It was actually kind of funny but I did feel bad for the little guys. Cameron was the worst and Daddy actually had to hold him for the whole parade.
We also got a new ride for the boys this weekend thanks to my dad! (thanks DAD!!!) I could not stand my old stroller and anyone that has seen it or been with me when I have it knows what a monster the darn thing was. Plus I felt like it was really uncomfortable for the boys. So we ended up getting a side by side which I said I would never do but I absolutely love it so far! We got a Combi Twin Sport in Wasabi. IN addition to new strollers we had to finally break down and get new car seats for them as well. They have outgrown their infant carriers so we had to "upgrade" to a big boy seat! So needless to say Babies R Us made a lot of money off of us this weekend...BUT.... I am quite proud of myself for saving a whopping $150 in coupons!! We got 30% off of the stroller and 20% off of the carseats! Woohoo!!
ON a side note...we got some not so good news on Friday. Cameron has to see a neurologist to rule out possible seizures. He has been doing a funny thing with his head over the last few Weeks where he shakes his head back and forth like 4-5 times in a row. I was able to get a video of it and after my doc saw it she wasn't sure enough to say yay or nay and felt like we should see the specialist. She did say it's a 99% chance it's absolutely nothing but still scary for mommy. I cried like a baby in the exam room when she told me and then I cried the rest of the afternoon but thankfully I have a very levelheaded husband who always has a way of calming me down with things like this... Anyways we have to wait until March 31st to see the neuro doc which ticks me off but it's the first avail. appt that they have. And if you google Pediatric Neurologists in Orlando you don't have very many options! So we could use a little prayers for Cam if you don't mind:)
Poor Cameron
Not happy babies
The bottom lip was out the whole time!!!
1 comment:
Awwwwwwwww...its sad that they are crying....but they are cute with the bottom lip sticking out!
Nice stroller!!!!
Miss ya!
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