So to bring you up to speed...Yes we moved in, we went on our annual summer trip back to Luverne and snuck a little trip to the beach in there too. Lot's of fun was had by all and the boys continued their love for the sand on the beach and their total disdain for the ocean or gulf water! Weird to me because they are all about some pool action!
My business has been booming and that has a lot to do with why there has not been a blog post recently. I feel like any downtime I have I am editing pictures, posting those and then the cycle just starts back up again. The sessions seem to come in a ton of them all together and then like 2-3 weeks with nothing then another boom. I guess that's just how the business works I suppose.
The boys have been growing and changing soooo much lately. Carter is full on talking and repeating EVERYTHING I say it seems. (no bad words yet thank GOD!) They have been loving the playground across the street a lot and the weather is finally cooling off a wee bit so it's not too bad at night. We of course have been doing our usual play dates but those have even slacked off a little because everyone has been so busy this summer and some of my mom friends have gone back to work:( Makes me sad that my day is not far off (well a few years)! I rejoined a local gym finally...yes much needed... and the boys have been going to the kids club while I work out. They love going there and always have a great time and it gives me a little "ME" time even if it's only for an hour and a half, it's still my time to myself and I love it!
On the gym friend Amber and I have decided to train for our first half marathon. I know I'm a lunatic because the last long race I did was a 10K and I wanted to DIE after that but it was July in Atlanta in 100% humidity so that MAY have had something to do with it. We will be running the Disney Princess Half Marathon in February so there is plenty of time to get in gear! I just hope I can finish the damn thing without being picked up by the pace car people.!! haha!!
I will leave you with a few pics from our Sea World trip over the weekend. The boys had a blast...much more into it since the last trip we made in January. It was nice because we got there around 9:30 and left right at was plenty of time to see all of the exhibits just didn't make it to any shows this time but next time that will be our goal.

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so cute boy, I learn more happy views from those pics. nike mercurial vapor on sale
Sea World is so much fun! And it can be educational as well. So much to see and do.
Novelty Pens
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