Well now I am getting emails from my mom asking about an update and yes she is right...I really need one! Although I am not sure where to start! I guess we will start with Christmas! We did Christmas Eve at my mom's house which is a family tradition. Then we hosted Christmas Breakfast with my Dad, Grandma, Bro, Sis-in law and my nephew. After that we took naps (all of us) and headed over to my brothers for his annual Christmas festivities. Then the day after Christmas we packed up the car and headed out to Alabama for the weekend to see Daryl's family! Quite a whirlwind couple of days there!
The boys of course made out like bandits! They are very into Thomas the Train now so they got a lot of Thomas stuff! New trains, toys, Thomas Pj's..the works! They also got Cozy Coupes, ride on four wheelers, a new table to eat/play at and much much more!
Once all the hustle and bustle of the holidays had calmed down we put an offer in on a house! Yay! The only thing is it's a short sale so we basically have to just sit and wait for the bank to decide if they like our offer! It's so annoying just sitting here waiting and if they say no we are back to square one! The house is great! It's in a great neighborhood, in the area that we want to be in and the deal we would be getting would knock your socks off! So please cross your fingers for us! OH and one huge thing about the house....it has a huge separate PLAYROOM!! Woooohooo!! No more toys taking over my living room! Well I know there will still be toys but not to the extent that it is now! I mean I have an train table as an end table people!!
The boys are doing great. Finally getting over a pretty nasty cold that turned into double ear infections for both of them. They were some pitiful little dudes the past couple of weeks! We were stuck in the house on lock down for about a week and a half so you can imagine I was going crazy! This week was the first that we had been out since New Years! Of course I know you all know how cold it has been here for the last 2 weeks. We had snow and sleet last Saturday although I only saw the sleet! Still it has been freaking freezing here! But happy to report that today it will be back into the 70s thank God!!
Here are a few pics from our Christmas break!
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