The boys are 4 months old today and getting so big! We have our 4 month check up tomorrow and I am very anxious to see how much they both weigh now.
The nights are getting better now too. We have been trying to get in good sleeping habits now so as they get older they stick (one can dream right?) We have been putting them down between 8p-9p and they have been sleeping great. Sometimes they will go 7 hours with no interruptions other times 4-5 it just varies. We are still eating at some point in the night whether it be midnight or 2 am but they are going right back to sleep and not waking until close to 6 am. If I could only convince them how much better 7am would be for mommy! hehe!!
These pictures were taken right after our nightime bath. Thier P.J.s look so cozy, too bad they don't make them for adults!
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