When we got to the hospital today we arrived to the most precious thing I have ever seen. They finally moved the boys out of seperate incubators into their very own crib. And they are sharing it!! OMG!!! After we held them for a while I just stood there and stared at them! It was amazing!!
I also got my first projectile poopy that my friend Jen Burg was telling us about. Carter had a big poopy in his diaper when I got there and apparently was not finished because as soon as I wiped that cute little tooshie... BAM..... hello poop flow. Kinda like the soft serve ice cream machines!! LOL- sorry if that's TMI!!!It just kept coming and coming. Of course Daddy changes Cameron with no poopie whatsover. NOW.... thats because he was saving it for after Daddy was holding him. I smelled something when we were wrapping them back up and putting them back into thier beds. Daryl thought we should save it for the nurse but since I am a nice mommy I didn't want my baby sitting in poop for God knows how long. So not only did I get projectile poop from Carter, I then got it from Cam too. But this time I gave him a good 10 minutes to finish before I changed his diaper for the third time! AHH-good times, good times!!
I also got to attempt a bottle feed with Carter since he seems to be taking to the bottle more than Cameron. They are working with them every day so they can learn the suck, swallow, and breathe reflex. They have to have that down before we can take them home! Start eating boys!!
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