It's official, we have night owl babies! They sleep like champs during the day, going 4 hours between feedings but I swear when the clock strikes 12am they are wide eyed and bushy tailed!! Want to eat every 2 hours, they want to fuss and grunt and scream... it's great!! Poor Daryl has to go back to work next week and I feel for him because I don't know how he is going to function. Everyone says to take shifts during the night. Well that would be great if we only had one baby. You can't really take shifts when there are 2 because inevitably one will wake up while you are taking care of the other... trust me!!!
I swear I have pictures, just not enough time to post because as I type I hear the soothing sounds of 2 babies screaming downstairs. Gotta go!!!!
10 years ago