10 years ago
Monday, September 28, 2009
We have a Molar
Finally...I was starting to think they weren't ever getting molars!! It's only one and of course it's Carter to get it first. Luckily I can say that I had no clue because he showed no signs of "teething"!!
Saturday, September 26, 2009
My little Couch Potatos
Winnie Palmer Miracle Miles Morning
We got up nice and early today to show our support for tiny babies at the Walk around Winnie. Winne Palmer is the hospital that the boys were born at and spent a month at while they were in the NICU. They had a couple of races as well as the symbolic walk, which is what we participated in. There was a group of us from GOMOTT (twins group) that all had NICU babies so we met up and walked together! It was a nice morning minus the heat and 110% humidity. I can't imagine running in that this morning..yuck!
There was also a block party with lots of festivities planned for later in the morning but the boys were hot and stuck in the stroller so we had to call it a day and head home earlier than expected!

There was also a block party with lots of festivities planned for later in the morning but the boys were hot and stuck in the stroller so we had to call it a day and head home earlier than expected!

Thursday, September 17, 2009
Splash Park Success!!
Finally!! It has only taken the entire summer to get these boys convinced that the splash park is fun!! It took about 10 minutes but once Carter was in....he was IN!!! He had a blast just running in and out of the fountains! It was so funny to watch. What is so shocking about it is usually Carter is the one hanging all over me and not wanting to do anything and Cameron is the adventurous one. Well not today! Cam got in the water one or two times but other than that he wasn't feeling it so much! But I still feel accomplished with Carter!! I have some pics on my cell phone that I am trying to upload but having some difficulties!
Yay Carter!!!!
Yay Carter!!!!
Monday, September 7, 2009
Best Buds
We took the boys outside to play after dinner tonight and let me just say...they LOVE being outside! But it has to be pavement and not grass, they don't like grass whatsoever! Something I am sure they will grow out of! They kept running up and down our neighbors driveway for some reason. It was hilarious to watch and you will see from the pictures just how cute it was. They are really starting to interact with each other more and more. They love chasing each other around and playing tag...they giggle so hard when one catches the other!
When it came time to go inside...well...umm... let's just say it was a bit Nanny 911ish with Carter. Screaming, Kicking and whaling while I tried to carry him in! Tell me that is not what I have to look forward to the next few years!!!
Been Crazy Busy
Wow what a week/weekend we have had around here! I was fortunate, if that's what we can call it, to be given FREE Britney Spears concert tickets for the show here last week. I took my friend Amber and we had a great time! Then the next nite my mom and I took a useless Photoshop class at a local art school. I say useless because I didn't learn much of anything, it wasn't interactive and we had the most annoying people in our class that felt the need to ask pointless questions on a non-stop basis!! Ugh so frustrating and a complete waste of time!
We had a little playdate last Friday at a local splash park. The boys are not into the whole splash park think just yet. They are still a little timid around the water which I can not wrap my head around! They love the pool, they love the bath but not a puddle of water or a fountain of water!
Of course we all know that this past Saturday was the start of College football in the Richburg house! GO GATORS!! The boys and myself wore our jerseys all day and got many compliments on them!! My game was not on until later in the evening and Daryl's game (Alabama) wasn't either so that left us all day Saturday to play and boy did we! My favorite place for the boys these days had their grand opening party and it was free to all! IT was a total zoo but the boys had a great time! AR photography (that's me) gave away 3 prizes that I have yet to hear who won but at any rate it got my name out there! After that we headed over to Tracy's house for an awesome BBQ! Boys again did great! Then to wrap up the evening I went out to meet my friends to watch the Gator game and since Daryl knew that he wouldn't have a chance to watch his game amongst the obnoxious Gator fans he elected to stay home and watch his game!! Thankfully!!
Sunday was brunch with my family at BaCCo's then errands the rest of the day and today has been "Labor Day" literally!!
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