We headed out last week for our summer road trip first to Alabama then over to Atlanta for the 4th of July! The boys did not do so well with the car ride this time around. They only slept about 30 minutes up to Bama and about 30 minutes home from Atlanta...then proceeded to scream the last hour of the trip home! Needless to say our car was not a fun place to be on Sunday afternoon!
After spending a few days with Daryl's family we headed over to Atlanta to see some of my old friends, all who just happen to be current or former Delta flight attendants whom have all had babies in the last year! It was so great to see everyone and all their little ones! Our good friends Margo and Mike had a BBQ on the 4th and all the babies played together! It was funny to see all of us in a room full of babies...just 5 years ago we would have been hanging out at a local bar living the single life and now we are all mommies! Very surreal for me:)
All and all the trip went pretty well. WE did have a little mishap with Cameron though. He decided he was going to get into a fight with a very large coffee table...and well the coffee table won unfortunately:( Poor guy caught the corner of it and it missed his eyeball by a millimeter maybe? It was awful! The second it happened he had a HUGE lump and a cut. I would have taken him to the ER but Daryl's sister is an RN and she assured me it wasn't necessary. He's got a pretty bad shiner right now but it didn't phase him a bit. Uncle Bo told him it would make him grow whiskers seeing as he was so tough! No whiskers yet Uncle Bo!!
Oh and Carter enjoyed his first Rib in Alabama as well. He chewed on that thing until there was no meat left! He really is just like his Daddy!!