So I am sure you are asking yourself what the heck GOMOTT is...well it's the Greater Orlando Mother of Twins and Triplets group! Today they had a play date for the kindergarten class of 2013-2014 and yes, that's us! That seems so far away but the boys will be going to school in 2013- geese!!
The play date was a little far away but I am so glad I finally went to one! The only problem was the boys...they were miserable the whole time. One major problem was that the play date started at 10am and that's right in the middle of our morning nap. I had thought that they slept in the car on the way over there but upon arrival it was apparent that was not the case! They fussed and whined the entire time that we were there! I lasted for about an hour and a half and threw in the towel. It was a good turnout with lots of babies crawling around! I am looking forward to another one next week...I just hope the boys will have more fun at the next one! Maybe they didn't like the cold weather like thier mommy. Here are a few pics from the morning...check out both of the boys faces...totally tells how the day went for us!!
Then we get home and poof...my boys are back and happy as you can see!