The boys are 6 months old today! Wowie!! I can not believe that I gave birth 6 months ago. Whats worse is I can't believe I still have 15lbs of "baby weight" on me. Can I still call it baby weight? I hope so. I started weight watchers this week. Here's hoping!!
But back to the boys.... they are getting so big and doing so many new things! Carter is all about his tummy and trying to crawl. He just strains so hard on the floor trying to move around on those knees...any day now! Cameron is slowly getting the rolling back and forth thing. You don't see him do it much, he is very stealth with it apparently, but you find him on his tummy after you have left him in his crib or on the mat on the floor. It's almost like he doesn't want us to know!
They are both eating lots of different foods now. They had peaches today for the first time and LOVED them! They are not fans of squash and honestly I can't blame them because it's very stinky so I imagine it tastes' like crap! They love carrots and green beans, not big on peas though (can't blame them on that one either).
We finally got another crib so they are now sleeping in thier own beds. The first night was rough. I think they missed each other.
Oh and I am fairly certain we have finally mastered sleeping through the night. They go down between 8 or 9pm and don't get up until about 6:30 or 7am! Which means I will never, ever sleep past 7am EVER AGAIN :( !! But it is better than thier old wake up time of 4;30am or 5am!
We go for our 6mth check up next week so I will have all of their stats for you! My mom is coming with me so that I don't have to console 2 babies after shots alone...not fun!!!