And man was it friggin hot!!!! Bad idea to build outdoor shopping in Florida! But they have some great stores but we were all to damn hot to go in and try anything on!! haha! I met my brother, sister in-law and nephew down there this morning after mulling over whether or not to go or not. I literally think I slept a total of 1 hour combined last night. Somehow they got off schedule really bad and it threw off our whole night. That is sooooo awful when that happens with 2 babies. I knew I was screwed when Cameron started screaming at 12:30am instead of 2:30am! But back to the adventure at the outlets. We got a few things at the Carter's outlet but that's about it. I really wanted to buy a big Coach purse to use as a purse/diaper bag but just can't justify the expense right now with everything that's going on! But I might just have to pop back down there in a few weeks if I can't find anything better. The boys did great as usual. Slept and didn't make a peep until we were a block away from the house. They were starving I am sure!
It's getting a little easier for me to leave the house alone now. I swear I never thought I would leave until they were like 5 years old but I have to get out....mama is gonna go crazy in the house all day! We got a few choice comments about twins, and for some reason everyone seems compelled to tell you their own twins story whether they are a twin, or their mom is a twin and so on! I actually had a clerk at the coach store ask me if I was breastfeeding which is a bit personal to ask a stranger don't ya think? I said no, it was to hard to keep up when they came home and she then proceeded to lecture me about breastfeeding. Ok lady, heard it a thousand times and I really don't need to hear it from you ok?? And no, that's not what I said but I wanted to!! haha!
Oh and our WubbaNubs came in the mail today finally!! Our friend Jen turned me onto these neat little contraptions. They are little beanie baby type stuffed animals attached to the pacifier to help keep the pacifier in the baby's mouth. So far they have been sleeping since the mail came so no report on if they actually work for the boys but none the less I am quite thrilled to have them!!